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Greetings from Puebla!

June is graduation month.  Christian (Tim's co-pastor) graduated from Puebla Bible Seminary this month.  It was great to celebrate his achievement.  Now he needs to finish up his thesis and professional exam to graduate from Madero University.  It's been fun to see his growth.  Drew "graduates" from kindergarten this week.  And we are finishing up most of our regular Bible studies for the summer.  We are going to slow down in July, using time to plan and prep for the coming year, as well as taking a couple of girls to summer camp, where Tim will be speaking.  We'll take a couple weeks vacation in August, and then look forward to getting things off the ground again.


Last Saturday Tim had the privilege of accompanying a friend (Don) to the main prison in Puebla.  Don has been helping lead a church there for several years.  Prison ministry has its challenges and rewards--most of which we're not too familiar with.  But Saturday the group of 25-30 prisoners sang enthusiastically and displayed a real love for their Savior that was contagious.  Additionally, they asked Tim to take six newcomers and explain the gospel to them.  One cool thing about working with inmates is you don't usually have to convince them of their sin and their need for forgiveness.  Of the six, four prayed to receive Christ as their Savior.  Now we trust that the church of inmates can follow up and help these men grow in faith and knowledge of God. 

Third Place games

Church music team


The last couple Sundays at church we have had good crowds, over 50.  One young man, Charley, who has been attending our Tuesday night study for months, came to a Sunday service for the first time. We also celebrated as a family with Tim's parents who are visiting and celebrated 40 years of marriage.  It was a blessing for Tim to translate his Dad's sermon on Proverbs 30:24-28


This Friday our association of churches is meeting to decide what to do with a church building that has been vacated.  We (and four other groups) have asked for possession of the building.  So we MAY have our own building shortly.  We're excited about the potential of the building and its location (central, across the street from a university campus).  We're praying for God's will to be done in this matter which holds some potential for divisiveness among believers and groups.

Third Place games
Friday Night Bible study

We have actually been putting new photos on our web site, if you're interested.  Just click on this link: or copy it into your browser.  Sometimes it helps to have a face with your prayers.


1. The inmates who have made decisions to accept Christ. 
2. For Grandma's and Opa's (Grandpa!) visit.
3. Charley's visit to church.

1. The inmates who made decisions to accept Christ. Pray for Nathaniel, Domingo, José, Alejandro, Fernando, and Gerardo.
2. For the building decision meeting on Friday--that God would be glorified by the words and attitudes of all, regardless of the outcome.
3. Rest and planning time this summer.

Grandma and Opa!

Thank you for standing with us in prayer!
Tim, Barbara-Lee, Drew, Gavin, Fiona

Mailing address:
APDO 1072
Puebla, Pue. MEXICO
C.P. 72000

Phone: 011 (522) 222-48-50-07