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A quick Spanish quiz for you: What do the following words mean: Pasas, Campo, Mono, Fuchi? They are part of Drew's growing Spanish vocabulary. Let us know if you figure them out! We are settling in here, getting to know the city and the church, and eagerly anticipating the arrival of Krispy Kreme (yes, there really is a "Coming Soon" sign at a local mall!). We are very thankful to God for how things have gone here. There have been no accidents, illnesses, or international incidents thus far, and we have been able to get underway with a few of our goals for our time here. Thank you for your prayers. They are neither unheard nor unappreciated!

CannonThe LORD has really opened the doors for us to be in a couple of universities. Our colleague, Bryan Nevin, helped us through the door, so to speak, and we are currently tutoring nine students, working on English with a pair of administrators, taking a History of Mexico class, and helping with a Bible study group. For those of you who remember, this covers the "'M'inister to university students" and "'I'nvest our first year in expanding our language and cultural skills" parts of our presentation (see, those weren't just high-falutin' concepts!). One of the students Tim met with enjoys reading the gospel of John. His e-mail address even incorporates "Way, Truth, Life" in Latin, but it doesn't seem that he truly has a relationship with Jesus as his Savior. We look forward to many conversations to come!

We are also working on getting to know people in the church, both on and off the leadership team. It has been good to spend time with people here in the house and in their homes. Tim preached and led communion this past Sunday. Tim is meeting for discipleship with one young man, and Barbara-Lee is currently a schedule-coordinator. That is, she's trying to find a convenient time for a ladies' Bible study--no easy task! We have also spent some time with Tim's friend from the VW Plant, Miguel. So, we are thankful for the opportunities the Lord is giving.

Tonight we met with a couple that have been doing Bible studies with Rick Hudson for almost two years. We were able to arrange to study the book of Galatians on Monday evenings. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are our busy days, when we go to the universities for tutoring and classes. Barbara-Lee is hoping to have her Bible study on Tuesdays. One of our goals for the fall is to spend Saturdays sightseeing with people in the church or other friends. It will probably come in handy to know where places such as Yecapixtla, Huaquechula, Xicotzingo, and Ixtacuixtla are (and people think Puyallup is hard to say)! We list these things to give you some specifics for prayer.


1. Our adjustment here as the LORD has allowed us to start working.
2. Some early good contacts with students, administrators, and others.
3. A warm relationship with the church here.
4. We're thankful that the LORD provided us with a house to rent. We'll be moving in this October.

1. September 8-24, we will be back in Tacoma for Tim's sister's wedding.
2. Wisdom as we begin pre-marital counseling with a young couple in the church.
3. To see God at work for salvation and growth in those with whom we are beginning to work.

We realize that we are just getting off the ground here. It would be appropriate to thank you for your prayers and the LORD for His answers to prayer. We will continue to depend on those and look forward to His working here in Puebla!

Salmo/Psalm 103:11-12

"Tan inmenso es su amor por los que le honran
como inmenso es el cielo sobre la tierra.
Nuestros pecados ha alejado de nosotros,
como ha alejado del oriente el occidente."

"For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
So great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him.
As far as the east is from the west,
So far has He removed our transgressions from us."


Tim, Barbara-Lee, and Drew

August Photos: http://www.theglessners.org/photos/Aug2004/Aug2004.html

PS: Our mailing address is now:
APDO 1072
Puebla, Pue. MEXICO
C.P. 72000

Phone: 011 (522) 222-48-66-01