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Thanksgiving is coming up. Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day are all holidays we let go of down here, but Thanksgiving is one that we hang on to. And why not? There is really so much to be thankful for, and Thanksgiving is a concept that stretches beyond national borders and customs. It's what we owe God (Colossians 3:15-16). So, we are looking forward to taking a few days out of the routine we're settling into and going up to Mexico City for a few days to be with Tim's cousins.

Some random things we'll give thanks for: our house (which is beginning to feel more like our home), Tim's involvement at Madero University (witnessing opportunities, a new Bible Study, and a student coming to church), Barbara-Lee's Ladies' Bible Study (about 9 regulars, with 3 mother-daughter combos), the book of Galatians (it really is a pretty good book!), webcams, rare moments of silence in our neighborhood, and friends. Of course, there are many others, but that's a good start!

View 180 degrees north to south from our house
View 180 degrees north to south from our house. (Click for larger view if you're online)

This year, for once, our December might be less busy than normal. We are going to try to take advantage of the end of the semester and use our newness to the field as reasons to slow down a bit. That means no Christmas concert or church play this year. We'd like to invest some of our time in getting to know neighbors a bit better, sitting down and reading some Spanish books (Mexican history, culture), thinking ahead about what we should be doing in the New Year, and trying to spend quality time with people from church. Lest you think that is shorthand for sleeping in and eating chocolate éclairs three meals a day, we'll keep up the Galatians & Women's Bible studies, and Tim will be preaching the last two Sundays of December! But chronic holiday busy-ness is maybe not the best way for us to lay a foundation for the coming "1st full year" of ministry here.

The Lord has been good in what He is doing. Tim is seeing a growing grasp of the concept of salvation through faith alone in the Galatians Bible study group. Barbara-Lee has enjoyed seeing the ladies respond well to the study, with a nice cross-section of ages and some non-church ladies coming as well. It's exciting to have to explain chapters and verses to someone--you're introducing a brand new concept--the Bible--to them! Things are holding steady with José and Maria (Not their real names, by the way. We put this letter on the Internet and we wouldn't want one of them to discover that their "life story" is posted for all to read!). The morning English sessions have presented many opportunities for discussion. We're looking at Jesus' parables about grace right now. Maria came once to a Bible Study on Galatians Tim has started at the University, and we hope she will return.

Krispy Kreme Opening

Cultural note: There was an election here on Sunday, the 14th. Everyone showed up at church with black thumbs, because you fingerprint your ballot. Of course we got questions such as "Why do you vote on a weekday?" and "Now explain the Electoral College to me, please." It's nice that not everything needs to be the same everywhere. What a boring world it would be if Puebla were the same as Tacoma. Yet Krispy Kreme opened up here today! How can this place be so different, and yet so much the same?!

Before we get too random here, let's go to few prayer requests.
See list above!

1. Pray for José and Maria to be softened to the Gospel.
2. Contacting and developing friendships with our neighbors.
3. Wisdom in looking ahead toward the next year.

Thank you for your prayers as you read this!

In Christ,
Tim, Barbara-Lee, and Drew

PS: The answers to Drew's vocabulary quiz last month: amigo=you really should know this!, pompis=back end (slang for kids), más=more, and niño=child
Drew's newest vocabulary quiz: cinco, bocho, mira, and rico.
Another PS: The programmer among us (that would be Tim) is messing with HTML and linking to some photos on our website. If there's a problem, either ignore the photos or let us know, please!

Mailing address:
APDO 1072
Puebla, Pue. MEXICO
C.P. 72000

Phone: 011 (522) 222-48-50-07